Ninjutsu OS for Pentesting/Red Teaming Tools kit
Expect updates here to any progress we may be making. Contributions are welcome.
Red Teaming
Information Gathering (Red Teaming)(100/Tools)
- ADACLScanner
- R3con1z3r-Web information gathering
- ADExplorer
- Recon-Dog
- ADOffline
- Recon-ng
- ADRecon
- Reconspider-Advanced (OSINT)
- AdFind-Command line Active Directory query
- Red Rabbit
- Amass
- RedRabbit-Red Team PowerShell Script
- Aquatone
- ScrapedIn- LinkedIn Scraper
- Asset Finder
- Searchsploit
- Atscan
- SharpHound
- BaseQuery- Organize public combo-lists & data breaches
- SharpHound
- BeRoot
- SharpView
- Bettercap
- Sherlock-Find usernames across social networks
- BloodHound
- ShodanSploit
- Bloodhound-Custom-Queries
- SpiderFoot
- BridgeKeeper-Scrape employee names
- SpoolerScanner
- Censys Subdomain Finder
- Sub Finder
- CloudBunny-Find the real IP behind WAF
- SubOver-Subdomain Takeover Tool
- Cloud_Enum-Multi-cloud OSINT
- Sublist3r
- CrossLinked- LinkedIn enumeration tool
- Sudomy-Powerful Subdomain Enumeration
- Dirble- WebSite Directory Scanning
- Turbolist3r
- Dump Users
- URLCrazy
- Watson
- Email extractor
- WhatBreach-OSINT tool to find breached
- Email-verify
- WhatWAF
- EmailHarvester
- WhatWeb
- EyeWitness
- WhatsMyName- User Enumeration
- FOCA v3.4.6.2
- WinScanX GUI
- Fierce
- WinScanX-CL
- Findomain
- Windows Exploit Suggester
- Get-ReconInfo
- XCTR-Hacking-Tools
- GoBuster
- browseList
- Gowitness-Web screenshot utility
- ffuf - Fuzz Faster
- Hunter
- h8mail- Email OSINT and breach hunting
- InSpy - LinkedIn enumeration
- identYwaf
- Lazagne- Credentials recovery
- mimikatz
- LinkedIn Recon Tool -LinkedInt
- nbtscan
- LittleBrother-Information gathering (OSINT)
- nmap
- MSOLSpray - A Password Spraying Tool
- pockint
- Maltego
- recon-ng - Web
- Mass-Maillist-Cleaner
- srvinfo
- NetRipper
- subDomainsBrute
- Nirsoft Launcher
- subdomain-bruteforce
- Nmap - Zenmap GUI
- subjack-Subdomain Takeover tool
- OneForAll - Subdomain Scanner
- theHarvester
- Photon-fast crawler designed for OSINT
- wafw00f
- PowerView
- wePWNise
- PowerView_dev
- winfo
- Prowl - Email harvesting tool
- zenmap
Active Directory Tools (Red Teaming)(199/Tools):
- Administration Tools
- sqlcmd
- Sysinternals
Evasion (Red Teaming)(22/Tools):
- PSAttack
- AVIator- Antivirus Evasion Project
- PowerLessShell
- CheckPlease
- PowerShdll
- DefenderCheck
- PowerShell Armoury-Evading anti-virus
- DotNetToJScript
- StarFighters
- Invoke-CradleCrafter
- SysWhispers-AV-EDR evasion
- Invoke-DOSfuscation
- demiguise
- Invoke-Obfuscation
- nps
- Invoke-Phant0m
- pafishmacro
- Macro Pack-Automatize Obfuscation & Generation of MS Office
- tvasion - Anti virus evasion
- PSAmsi
- xencrypt-Anti-virus evasion Tool
Exploitation (Red Teaming) (64/Tools):
- PowerShell-Suite
- API Monitor x64
- PowerSploit
- API Monitor x86
- PowerUpSQL
- BetterBackdoor-create & Control a backdoor
- PowerZure- Assessing Azure security
- CVE-2019-1040-Scanner
- PrivExchange
- Chisel - Fast TCP tunnel over HTTP
- PrivescCheck Win -Privilege Escalation Enumeration
- CrackMapExecWin
- Privilege-Escalation-Awesome-Scripts-Suite
- CredsLeaker-credentials stealer
- ROADtools - Azure AD Exploration Framework
- ROADtools-GUI - Azure AD Exploration Framework
- Dumpert
- RedTeam CSharp Scripts
- Evil-Winrm-Ultimate WinRM shell for pentesting
- RedTeam Powershell Scripts
- EvilClippy
- Red_Team - Useful Scripts
- EvilURL- Generate unicode domains
- ReverseTCPShell- PowerShell ReverseTCP Shell
- Eviloffice
- RottenPotatoNG
- Exchange-AD-Privesc
- Sharp-Suite
- GadgetToJScript
- SharpClipHistory
- Generate-Macro
- SharpExchangePriv
- GhostPack
- SharpExec
- Invoke-ACLPwn
- SharpSploit
- Invoke-DCOM
- Shellerator-bind-reverse shell Generater
- Invoke-GoFetch
- SpoolSample
- Invoke-PSImage
- Invoke-PowerThIEf
- impacket-examples-windows
- Jalesc-Linux Privileges Escalating
- juicy-potato
- Meterpeter-C2 Powershell Command & Control Framework
- kali-windows-binaries
- MicroBurst - PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking Azure
- lsassy-Extract credentials from lsass remotely
- NetshHelperBeacon
- luckystrike
- Orca
- metatwin
- PSReflect
- nishang
- PowerLurk
- ruler
- PowerPriv
- vssown
- PowerSharpPack-Usefull offensive CSharp Projects
- vulcan
Password Attacks (Red Teaming) (18/Tools):
- ADFSpray - MS Password Spray Attack
- Get-LAPSPasswords
- LAPSToolkit
- ASREPRoast
- Internal-Monologue
- MSOLSpray - A Password Spraying Tool
- Check-LocalAdminHash
- Inveigh
- MailSniper
- CredNinja
- Invoke-TheHash
- RiskySPN
- DSInternals
- KeeFarce
- SessionGopher
- DomainPasswordSpray
- KeeThief
- mimikittenz
Vulnerability Analysis (Red Teaming) (6/Tools):
- AD Control Paths
- Grouper2
- PowerSharpPack-Usefull offensive CSharp Projects
- Egress-Assess
- NtdsAudit
- zBang
Information Gathering (119/Tools):
- AWSBucketDump
- AdFind-Command line Active Directory query
- Amass
- Aquatone
- Asset Finder
- Atscan
- BaseQuery- Organize public combo-lists & data breaches
- Bettercap
- BridgeKeeper-Scrape employee names
- Bucket-Stream-Find Amazon S3 Bucket
- Cansina - Web Content Discovery
- Censys Subdomain Finder
- CloudBunny-Find the real IP behind WAF
- Cloud_Enum-Multi-cloud OSINT
- Cloudfail
- Cloudmare
- CrossLinked- LinkedIn enumeration tool
- DNS Recon
- DirBuster
- Dirble- WebSite Directory Scanning
- Dirsearch- Web path scanner
- Droopescan
- Dump Users
- ESmai
- Email extractor
- Email-verify
- EmailHarvester
- Essential NetTools
- EyeWitness
- FOCA v3462
- Fierce
- FinalRecon- All-In-One Web Reconnaissance
- Findomain
- Fprobe-Scan Domains Subdomains for http-https
- Git-Hound
- Git-Leak
- GitHack-Git folder disclosure exploit
- GitMiner-Advanced mining for content Github
- Github-Dork
- Gitrob
- Gobuster
- Goby - Attack surface mapping
- Gowitness-Web screenshot Utility
- Hunter
- InSpy - LinkedIn enumeration
- IoTSeeker
- Kicks3-S3 bucket finder
- Lazagne- Credentials recovery
- LinkedIn Recon Tool -LinkedInt
- LittleBrother-Information gathering (OSINT)
- Leetlinked - Scraping tool for LinkedIn
- Maltego
- Mass-Maillist-Cleaner
- Masscan
- Nirsoft Launcher
- Nmap - Zenmap GUI
- OneForAll - Subdomain Scanner
- Pacu - AWS exploitation framework
- Pathbrute-Directory Discovery Tool
- Photon-fast crawler designed for OSINT
- Prowl - Email harvesting tool
- R3con1z3r-Web information gathering
- Recon-Dog
- Recon-ng
- Reconspider-Advanced (OSINT)
- RastLeak - Find leak information
- Recurse Buster
- RedRabbit-Red Team PowerShell Script
- S3Scanner- Scan s3 buckets for security issues
- SSL-Scan
- ScrapedIn- LinkedIn Scraper
- Searchsploit
- Sherlock-Find usernames across social networks
- ShodanSploit
- Shuffledns- Enumerate valid subdomains
- Slurp- Enumerates S3 buckets
- Snoop - Nickname Search Tools OSINT
- Spaghetti
- SpiderFoot
- Sub Finder
- SubOver-Subdomain Takeover Tool
- Sublist3r
- Sudomy-Powerful Subdomain Enumeration
- Turbolist3r
- URLCrazy
- WhatBreach-OSINT tool to find breached
- WhatWAF
- WhatWeb
- WhatsMyName- User Enumeration
- WinScanX GUI
- WinScanX-CL
- Windows Exploit Suggester
- XCTR-Hacking-Tools
- browseList
- ffuf - Fuzz Faster
- gau (GetAllURLs)
- git Graber
- h8mail- Email OSINT and breach hunting
- hakrevdns - Reverse DNS lookups
- hping
- httprecon
- httprobe - Scan Domains Subdomains for http-https
- identYwaf
- inSp3ctor-AWS S3 Bucket Finder
- mimikatz
- nbtscan
- nc
- nc64
- nmap
- pockint
- recon-ng - Web
- s3recon-Amazon S3 bucket finder and crawler
- shhgit-Find GitHub secrets
- srvinfo
- sslyze
- subDomainsBrute
- subjack-Subdomain Takeover tool
- theHarvester
- trufflehog- Searches through git repositories for secrets
- wafw00f
- winfo
Web Application Attack (80/Tools):
- Aquatone
- SQLi-Hunter-SQLMAP API wrapper
- Arjun
- SQLmap
- Atlas- Quick SQLMap Tamper Suggester
- SSL-Scan
- Atlas-Quick SQLMap Tamper Suggester
- SSRFmap-SSRF Scanner
- Atscan
- See-SURF- find potential SSRF parameters
- Shuriken-XSS
- SleuthQL
- BruteXSS
- SoapUI 5.5.0
- BurpSuite Free Edition
- Spaghetti
- CMSeeK- CMS Detection and Exploitation suite
- Cansina - Web Content Discovery
- VBscan - vBulletin Vulnerability Scanner
- Commix - Command injection exploit
- Vega - Web vulnerability scanner
- Corsy-CORS Misconfiguration Scanner
- WAScan - Web Application Scanner
- DSSS-sql-injection
- WPScan-WordPress Vulnerability Scanner
- Dalfox - XSS Scanning
- Wapiti-Web Vulnerability Scanner
- WebCruiser Scanner
- DirBuster
- Weblogic-Scanner
- Dirble- WebSite Directory Scanning
- WhatWAF - advanced firewall detection tool
- Dirsearch- Web path scanner
- WhatWeb
- Droopescan
- Wordpress Exploit Framework
- ExploitMyUnion
- XBruteForcer (CMS)
- Eyewitness
- XMLrpc-bruteforcer
- Findom-XSS
- XSS-Freak
- Fuxploider-File upload scanner and exploitation
- XSS-Loader Tools
- Golismero
- XSSfork - XSS Vulnerability Scan
- Gowitness-Web screenshot utility
- XSSpwn
- IIS-ShortName-Scanner
- XSSsniper
- IIS-Shortname-Scan (Python)
- XSStrike
- Joomscan
- XSpear-XSS Scanning
- Link JS Find - Extract URL Websites
- bWAPP- vulnerable web-application
- LinkFinder
- dotdotpwn - Directory Traversal Fuzzer
- Nikto
- ffuf - Fuzz Faster
- NoSQLMap
- httprecon
- Nuclei - Web Scanner based on templates
- identYwaf
- OWASP Mutillidae- Vulnerable web-application
- jsql-injection-GUI
- jwtcat - Cracking JSON Web Token
- Quick-SQL
- pentest-tools
- R3con1z3r-Web information gathering
- sslyze
- Recurse Buster
- wafw00f
- SPartan-Sharepoint
- wfuzz
Wireless Attacks (36/Tools):
- Airbase-ng
- Airserv-ng
- Easside-ng
- Tkiptun-ng
- Wpaclean
- Aircrack-ng-GUI
- Airtun-ng
- Evil FOCA
- WNetWatcher
- ettercapNG
- Aircrack-ng
- Airventriloquist-ng
- Jumpstart
- Waircut
- ivstools
- Airdecap-ng
- Besside-ng
- Kstats
- Wesside-ng
- wifi-perfiles
- Airdecloak-ng
- Bettercap
- Makeivs-ng
- WifiChannelMonitor
- Aireplay-ng
- Buddy-ng
- Packetforge-ng
- WifiInfoView
- Airodump-ng
- Cain and abel
- RouterScan
- WirelessNetView
- Airolib-ng
- Dumpper
- SSL-Strip
- Wireshark
Exploitation Tools (35/Tools):
- Shellerator-bind-reverse shell Generater
- CVE-2019-1040-Scanner
- Shuriken-XSS
- Chisel - Fast TCP tunnel over HTTP
- VBscan
- DSSS-sql-injection
- WebCruiser Scanner
- EvilURL- Generate unicode domains
- WinScanX GUI
- Eviloffice
- Windows Exploit Suggester
- ExploitMyUnion
- XSS-Loader Tools
- Goby - Attack surface mapping
- XSSpwn
- Jalesc-Linux Privileges Escalating
- XSSsniper
- Metasploit
- XSStrike
- MicroBurst - PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking Azure
- hjsplit
- Nikto
- jsql-injection-GUI
- NoSQLMap
- mimikatz
- PowerZure- Assessing Azure security
- nc
- Privilege-Escalation-Awesome-Scripts-Suite
- nc64
- ROADtools - Azure AD Exploration Framework
- subdomain-bruteforcer(SubBrute)
- ROADtools-GUI - Azure AD Exploration Framework
- wePWNise
- SQLmap
Vulnerability Analysis (33/Tools):
- SQLmap
- Weblogic-Scanner
- DSSS-sql-injection
- SSH Scan
- WinScanX GUI
- Droopescan
- SSL-Scan
- WinScanX-CL
- ExploitMyUnion
- Searchsploit
- XSS-Freak
- Golismero
- Shuriken-XSS
- XSS-Loader Tools
- Joomscan
- SleuthQL
- XSSpwn
- Nikto
- Spaghetti
- XSSsniper
- NoSQLMap
- XSStrike
- OWASP Mutillidae- Vulnerable web-application
- VBscan
- XSpear-XSS Scanning
- WAScan
- bWAPP- vulnerable web-application
- SMBGhost-CVE-2020-0796
- WebCruiser Scanner
- jsql-injection-GUI
Malware analysis (45/Tools):
- Autoruns
- LockHunter
- Task Explorer x64
- exeinfope
- Binwalk
- Microsoft Sysinternals
- Task Explorer
- exiftool
- Comodo Cleaning Essentials
- PE Detective
- loki-upgrader
- CrowdInspect
- UniExtract
- loki
- CrowdInspect64
- Process Hacker 2
- VirusTotal Uploader 22
- ollydbg
- Detect It Easy
- ProcessActivityView
- Volatility-CL
- pdbripper
- ProcessHacker
- VolatilityWorkbench-gui
- pestudio
- FolderChangesView
- Registry Changes View
- Winja (VirusTotal Uploader)
- peview
- HijackCleaner64
- Regshot-x64-ANSI
- Wireshark
- windump
- ILProtectorUnpacker
- Regshot-x64-Unicode
- apateDNS
- IREC-1916
- RunPEDetector32
- dnSpy-x86
- KillSwitch
- Sandboxed Web Browser
- dnSpy
Mobile Security Tools (26/Tools):
- APK Easy Tool
- Drozer
- GDA-android-reversing-Tool
- dex2smali
- APK Editor Studio
- Frida-discover
- Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)
- frida-objection
- Android Debug Bridge (adb)
- Frida-kill
- Multi-Drive
- frida-pygmentize
- Apkid
- Frida-ls-devices
- Nox
- jadx-gui
- Apktool
- Frida-ps
- vulnerable apk
- Bytecode-Viewer
- Frida-trace
- appmon
- DB Browser for SQLite
- Frida
- dex2jar
Network Attack (32/Tools):
- Bettercap
- FindSQLSrv-Python
- Responder-Python
- WinScanX GUI
- BeyondTrustDiscoveryTool
- Goby - Attack surface mapping
- Responde
- Wireshark
- BrowserListener-Python
- Icmp-Redirect-Python
- RouterScan
- ettercapNG
- Cain
- Jumpstart
- RunFinger-Python
- nc
- Dumpper
- MultiRelay-Python
- SSH Scan
- nc64
- Essential NetTools
- MultiRela
- SSL-Strip
- odict-Python
- Evil FOCA
- NetworkMiner
- SnmpWalk
- snmptest
- FindSMB2UPTime-python
- Nirsoft Launcher
- Waircut
- sslyze
Password Attacks (48/Tools):
- Get-LAPSPasswords
- LAPSToolkit
- ASREPRoast
- Internal-Monologue
- Check-LocalAdminHash
- Inveigh
- MailSniper
- CredNinja
- Invoke-TheHash
- RiskySPN
- DSInternals
- KeeFarce
- SessionGopher
- DomainPasswordSpray
- KeeThief
- mimikittenz
- ADFSpray - MS Password Spray Attack
- MSOLSpray - A Password Spraying Tool
- Md5Cracker
- Bruter
- Password Recovery
- Cain
- Patator - Brute-force
- CeWL-Creating Custom Wordlists
- Smtp-Cracker
- Crunch
- WinScanX GUI
- Fast-RDP-Bruteforce
- WinScanX-CL
- Go-jwt-cracker
- XBruteForcer (CMS)
- Hash-Buster- Online Crack hashes
- XMLrpc-bruteforcer
- Hash-identifier
- cap2hccap
- Hashcat CLI
- cap2hccapx
- Hashcat GUI
- jwtcat - Cracking JSON Web Token
- IMAP Bruteforce
- pydictor-dictionary builder for brute-force
- John the Ripper
- rainbowcrack-cl
- John the Ripper GUI
- rcrack-gui
- Kraken-Password crack RAR ZIP 7z
- thc-hydra-BruteForce
Password Recovery (17/Tools):
- BulletsPassView
- OperaPassView
- RouterPassView
- WebBrowserPassView
- mailpv
- pspv
- ChromePass
- PasswordFox
- SniffPass
- WirelessKeyView
- mspass
- rdpv
- Dialupass
- PstPassword
- VNCPassView
- iepv
- netpass
Wordlists :
- Payload-List
- PayloadsAllTheThings
- Probable-Wordlists
- RobotsDisallowed
- SecLists
- fuzzdb
Reverse Engineering (13/Tools):
- APK Easy Tool
- Bytecode-Viewer
- de4dot-net35
- dnSpy-x86
- ollydbg
- Apktool
- ResourceHacker
- de4dot-net45-x64
- dnSpy
- Binwalk
- de4dot-net35-x64
- de4dot-net45
- jadx-gui
Stress Testing (13/Tools):
- DDos-Attack (Python)
- Saddam-DDoS Amplification Tool
- WhatWAF
- DDos-Attackv1 (Python)
- Slowloris HTTP DoS IPv6
- identYwaf
- HostDown- DDos Attack
- Slowloris HTTP DoS
- wafw00f
- Impulse Denial-of-service ToolKit
- Perl Flood Script (DDoS)
- TheDoomsday- Test DOS sustainablity
Proxy and Privacy Tools (8/Tools):
- Epic Privacy Browser
- Proxy-Scraper
- Simple DnsCrypt
- W10Privacy
- OOSU10
- ProxyCap
- Tor Browser
- bWAPP, a buggy web application!
- OWASP Mutillidae
- OSINT Websites
- Cheat Sheets Repositories
Remote Control Tools (13/Tools):
- AnyDesk
- nc
- pageant
- pscp
- putty
- telnet
- HeidiSQL
- TeamViewer
- nc64
- plink
- psftp
- puttygen
Utility Tools (57/Tools):
- 7-Zip File Manager
- HeidiSQL
- Search Everything
- AnyDesk
- HostsFileEditor
- Simple DnsCrypt
- AutoIt3
- HxD
- SumatraPDF
- Boxstarter Shell
- KeepNote
- Task Explorer x64
- CFF Explorer
- KeepPass
- Task Explorer
- Chrome -with XSS Auditor disabled
- MarkdownEdit
- TeamViewer
- Chrome
- MobaXterm
- Tor Browser
- CyberChef
- Mysql
- Wireshark
- DB Browser for SQLite
- Neo4j_start.bat
- cmder
- Email extractor
- Neo4j_stop.bat
- hjsplit
- Email-verify
- NetworkMiner
- neo4j-community
- Epic Privacy Browser
- Nirsoft Launcher
- ngrok- reverse proxy
- Essential NetTools
- notepad++
- PE Detective
- peview
- Fiddler
- qBittorrent
- FileZilla Server Interface
- ProcessHacker
- services
- Firefox
- Rainmeter
- shellcode_launcher
- Greenshot
- RunAsDate
- vlc
- HTTP File Server (HFS)
- ScreenToGif
- xampp-control